Aug 10, 2020LEGAL GUIDESJustice of the Peace (JP) and Notary Public: What's the Difference?A Notary has significantly more responsibilities than a Justice of the Peace as they are granted their own seals or stamps for use in courts
Jul 27, 2020CONVEYANCINGFirst Home Stamp Duty Changes after 1 August 2020If you’re a first home buyer, you may be entitled to a concessional rate of transfer duty under the First Home Buyers Assistance scheme
Jun 25, 2020IMMIGRATION LAWAAT Increase Fee from 1 July 2020For applications for review of a decision which are lodged on or after 1 July 2020, the application fee will increase to $1,826
Jun 16, 2020NOTARYElectronic Signing and WitnessingOn 22/04/2020, the rules for signing and witnessing were changed in lieu of the Corona virus